Monday, June 9, 2008


Uncle Jim, Crissie and Aunt Penny before Graduation!

Well she made it!! She graduated from High School tonight! Here is a quick post and a picture of the family after the ceremony. Son Chu, Crissie, Ashlie and John. We were all so proud of her that even a couple of us had a tear drop or two! I will post some more pictures tomorrow but it's late now and everyone is pooped out from all of the excitement!
Crissie and Tim xoxo!


Unknown said...

She does look beautiful in her cap and gown. Proud Aunt Penny is about to bust I'll bet. Sorry to hear about her first leg of the trip, but glad you are there safely. Went through W. Branch yesterday on the way to BC via Tawas. At the intersection of Business Loop I 75 and 55 E. (at the fork) a tornado had come through not more than an hour before us. Did some real damage. I listened to the weather, but it didn't hit anywhere else. I listened to make sure. I'd have run and gotten your baby out of the garage safely. No need.
I am sorry to bring work to this blog, but got an email from Jean about the training at file return. It is on the ECS data base and is mandatory. You have to reserve your space at either morning 9:30 - 11:30 or afternoon at 12:30 to 2:30. I am sure you want morning and will confirm for you, but wanted to make sure that was what you really did want. Soon as I hear from you, I will email to save your spot.
Hope you are having a great time. Wish it weren't so hot for you, but it is hot and muggy here. Cools off some when the rain stops, but then still muggy. Welcome to summer in Mi., Aye?
Have a great time, enjoy your cook out, drink plenty, drive none, and have fun. Congrats to Crissie. Sherry

Unknown said...

Dah, I meant your first leg of the trip. I should always edit first.

Anonymous said...

lets try this again! Sounds like you had fun, but are sad to leave family, i know how you feel.But we will be happy to have you back home!

Anonymous said...

I DID IT YEAH!!!!! aren't you proud?